Should the Government Be Responsible to Bailout Financial Institutions?

Most recently, and in the past, governments have bailed out several companies and banks. The argument is that bailouts are necessary to prevent economic disasters. Government bailouts have become bigger and bigger all in the pursuit of avoiding an economic catastrophe.

GM Bailout

GM bailoutThe GM bailout exceeded 50 billion dollars and also included a special tax break for GM which allowed the company to write off approximately 45 billion dollars in post-bankruptcy losses against post-bankruptcy profits (Levey 2012). The result of this was a record profit of 7.6 billion dollars in 2011. This was the highest profit in the company’s 100 year history according to President Obama. GM’s tax break is good for twenty years. So, while the American taxpayer was paying taxes, GM was receiving a check for 110 million dollars (Levey 2012). The GM bailout, although appearing to be one-sided was a necessary measure in the overall bigger picture of the economic success of our nation.

Government Bailouts of other Companies

In 1907 F.A. Heinze’s losses in the copper industry based on speculation of market trends sent ripples throughout the economy. Losses resulted in the failure of many investors including the Knickerbocker Trust Company of New York. This bank’s failure caused a stock market crash in 1907.

J.P. Morgan organized themselves with the United States Treasury and other wealthy bankers to provide millions of dollars in bailout money in order to avert economic collapse.

Government Bailout for Lockheed Aircraft Corporation and Chrysler

In 1971 Lockheed Aircraft Corporation was facing bankruptcy during a production run on a new line of jets. Lockheed stated that without a government bailout, the company would have to lay off 60,000 workers and companies that did business with them would also suffer. The government bailed out Lockheed to the tune of 250 million dollars and that allowed the company to avoid bankruptcy even though later in the 1980s they finally stopped producing commercial jets.

In 1980, Chrysler was facing bankruptcy and Lee Iacocca lobbied for 1.5 billion dollars in bailout money to help avoid bankruptcy. President Jimmy Carter authorized the loan in that same year and Chrysler paid off the loan in 1983.

Government Bailout for Savings and Loan Banks

BankThe savings and loan collapse in the 1980s was estimated to cost taxpayers 124 billion dollars. The crisis started back in the 70s when they first started o struggle financially. Savings and loan banks mainly made mortgages but because these institutions were required to maintain low interest rates by law, it made it hard to compete and customers moved their money to other institutions. After the government deregulated the savings and loan industry and removed the ceiling on interest rates in 1980, institutions began making reckless investments, which caused a collapse. Congress passed the Financial Institutions Reform, Recovery, and Enforcement Act in 1989, which was an expensive bank bailout to rescue the troubled industry (2009).

Government Bailout for the Housing market

Housing MarketThe housing crisis of 2008 had its start in 2001 when we experienced the “dot-com-bubble” and the terrorist attacks of September 11th. In an attempt to rejuvenate the struggling economy, the Federal Reserve lowered interest rates substantially. Mortgage companies took advantage of this and started offering very low introductory rate, variable interest rate mortgages to any customer needing a mortgage, including subprime customers who may have a difficult time making mortgage payments. When the many adjustable-rate mortgages began to increase in 2007, many homeowners could not make their mortgage payments and lost their homes. Housing prices began to fall and the economy was affected. Unemployment began to rise, the stock market began to tumble and the country went into a recession. The fear of the mortgage giants going bankrupt and the economy collapsing led Congress to pass a $300 billion bank bailout housing bill in July 2008 providing emergency funds for both lenders and borrowers.


Should the government be responsible to bailout financial institutions to avert an economic disaster? This is a question many ask themselves. The government has a responsibility to make sure the United States economy does not flounder. We appoint officials to office in hopes that they have the insight and knowledge to make the right decisions for the betterment of the people and this nation.


Associated Press. (2010). Financial Bailout may Cost Less Than Thought. Retrieved from

“Government Bailouts.” Issues & Controversies On File: n. pag. Issues & Controversies. Facts On File News Services, 30 Mar. 2009. Web. 20 May 2012.

Levey, C. (2012). What the GM Bailout Really Cost American Taxpayers. Retrieved from…

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Superheroes that use Technology


Superheroes are utilizing technology more than ever before. The image of superheroes has shown strength and courage and normally accentuated some supernatural power. There are exceptions to the rule.


Batman has always been one of my favorite superheroes because he had the kewlest technical tools and was always able to figure out how to be on top of every situation.

Iron ManThe Iron Man exoskeleton has to be the most technical of all superhero equipment. Tony Stark’s genius is enjoyed in the magnificence of the Iron Man suit.

Doctor OctopusDoctor Octopus, Otto Octavius, is a genius and master inventor. He created mechanical arms that are not only great gadgets, but also provide extra appendages to create more villainous items.

Technology has given way to the rise of more and more superheroes who have taken advantage of technology and have proved that they have an edge above others by their use of a specific technology. Who will be the next superhero?

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Iron Sky teaser – Space Nazis attack!

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Will Facebook be big or bust after its IPO?

Will it be growth or bust? Things will be different at Facebook with Zuckerberg and company answering to shareholders. One way or the other it’s inevitable that things will change.


It seems to be apparent that ads are not the revenue growth anticipated and that ecommerce is not much help either.

One area that does deserve attention is social games. The potential is huge for an industry that barely existed a few years ago. Mark Pincus broke the ice with farmville in 2008. Lots more developers are stepping forward and this is just the beginning.

Gaming seems to be the clear picture for revenue generation. From the web to the phone, the growth continues. The true gaming audience doesn’t believe Facebook can ever overcome the hard-core PC gaming enthusiasts, let alone peak their interest, but only time willl tell.

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Employee Disciplining: What is Discipline and How do Managers Administer it?

EthicsRecently I read an article called “Employee Disciplining – What is discipline and how do the managers administer it?” by J.T. Knippen and T.B. Green (PM Magazine vol 8, no 3). This article deals with discipline in the workplace. What it is, why managers need to know how it is used, when it should be used and how to go about using discipline.

My Personal Summary

In many cases employees are unaware that they are behaving incorrectly or performing to an undesirable level and if he does know what he is doing wrong, he may not know why it is wrong. Another category of cause is that the employee feels he cannot reach the performance expectations due to some sort of block like the fact that he has to drop his children off at school and does not have enough time after that to make it to work at the predetermined time. Another reason for an employee to not perform up to expectations is that he/she feels there is no incentive to perform the desired behavior. The correct method of discipline can be summarized in a six-step process listed as follows:

  1. Describing the undesired behavior to the employee.
  2. Indicating to the employee why the behavior is undesirable
  3. Determining antecedents and reinforcers for the undesirable behavior
  4. Eliminating the cause of the undesirable behavior
  5. Getting the employee to make a commitment to change the behavior
  6. Providing positive reinforcement when the desired behavior occurs, and withholding it when it does not.

This article gives tremendous insight into analyzing and tending to discipline issues in the workplace. Management needs to identify these behaviors before they turn into habits and become regularly repeated because the longer a behavior goes untarnished or undealt with, the harder it becomes to change that behavior.

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The Relationship Between Business and Society

Business and SocietyThe relationship between business and society is integral in the success of any business. This relationship is defined as how a company interacts with society. There is an obvious and symbolic relationship between business and society that has been observed and evaluated for generations. Because of our social nature, we humans like to be included in a group of people like ourselves that make us feel the sense of being with others and having a discussion as a part of the exchange of ideas. This situation exists in all forms of our society and includes business, family and all sorts of groups and entities. Thus we can say that human beings are social elements and like to be with others like them. This makes the foundation of strong connection between business and society. Thus it is important to consider the social factors for efficient functioning of the operations of an organization. The important fact to remember is that business is about relationships and a successful firm is the one that is able to build good and long-lasting relationships with its customers.

Business and SocietyToday’s market is filled with competition. Every industry must raise the level of importance to maintain good relationships with customers so that they can stay connected with the organization even during the event when the competition is offering better prices and better services. Therefore all efforts put toward building good relationships is time well spent. Many organizations form special departments solely for the purpose of maintaining relationships with the customers and employees in the firm. Strong relationships are needed to exist with the management committee at the topmost level in the firm. Thus the importance of relationship between business and society is not hidden from anyone and is well evident everywhere and the firms today need to focus at this aspect more than anything else to ensure success.

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Method Studios does some wicked stuff

Method Studios new “Making of” Montage Reel

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Vincent Van Goghs “Starry Night” Animated

Petros Vrellis has created an interactive visualisation and synthesizer that animates Vincent Van Goghs “Starry Night”, using openframeworks to create a simple and elegant interaction. A fluid simulation gently creates a flowing fabric from Van Goghs impressionist portrait of the Milky Way and night sky over Saint-Rémy in France using the thick paint daubs as the particles within the fluid.

A touch interface allows a viewer to deform the image, altering both the flow of the particles and the synthesized sound, and then watch it slowly return to its original state. The sound itself is created using a MIDI interface to create a soft ambient tone out of the movement of the fluid

– excerpt from Creative Applications Network

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The Difference between Nerd, Dork, and Geek Explained by a Venn Diagram

To all of you nerds and geeks who like me have been unfairly and inaccurately labeled “dorks,” only to then exhaustively explain the differences among the three to a more than skeptical offender, I say:

You’re welcome. This nerd/dork/geek/dweeb Venn diagram should save you a lot of time and frustration in the future. Courtesy of Great White Snark.

Nerd, Dork, Geek Venn Diagram

Nerd, Dork, Geek Venn Diagram

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Stronghold 2 is a tried and true RTS

I love the game stronghold 2. Of all the games I have played, this Medieval RTS (Real Time Strategy) stands above all the rest. The links from the website that go to where you can buy this game do not work, but I have seen this game as cheap as $10 at stores like Target. Game website:

Stronghold screenshot

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