Understanding data-mining and its application

Concept of data-mining
Data MiningThe concept of data-mining first needs a basic understanding of what databases are and how we use databases in our everyday lives. Databases offer organizations the methods needed to store, manage, and efficiently retrieve information. “A database is an integrated collection of logically related data elements” (2009, O’Brien & Marakas, p.174). Databases consist of any number of tables. These database tables consist of columns and rows, just like excel tables. A database can be considered a collection of tables. It does not take much of a leap to go from an understanding of excel to database tables. Each row corresponds to a single record and each column represents a different attribute and in databases is referred to as a field. For example, we might have a database of names and phone numbers and the columns might be “FirstName”, “LastName”, and “TelephoneNumber”. Each row, or record, under the columns, or fields, would consist of the data planning to be stored. A database of 75 employees would consist of a table with 75 rows or records. Data may be logically organized into characters, fields, records, files, and databases, just as writing can be organized into letters, words, sentences, paragraphs, and documents (2009, O’Brien & Marakas, p.170). Data mining is used today primarily by companies with a strong customer focus. Extensive data aggregation is being done in order to make better decisions. Data mining is also called data mining. “One important characteristic about the data in a data warehouse is that, unlike a typical database in which changes can occur constantly, data in a data warehouse are static, which means that once the data are gathered up, formatted for storage, and stored in the data warehouse, they will never change” (2009, O’Brien & Marakas, p.192). Data warehouses are the areas in which data is pulled or mined in order to identify patterns which can then be evaluated and interpreted into business knowledge.

Advanced software programs with algorithms and advanced methods of interpretational and mathematical procedures and statistical techniques are used to go through all the data and extract information that may have previously been unknown in terms of strategic business information. Data mining is used in many different ways. One way is to determine product bundles with a method called market-basket analysis. Other uses include identifying manufacturing problems and helping determine quality issues in the manufacturing process. A popular use for data mining is to help acquire new customers and prevent customer attrition as well as cross-selling to existing customers. profiling customers with greater accuracy is also a valid choice for data mining.

Oracle data mining 10gR2
Oracle SunThe Oracle in-Database Miner is a GUI interface to a software engine with a wide range of algorithms including anomaly detection, attribute importance, association rules, clustering, classification & regression, nonnegative matrix factorization, structured & unstructured data (text mining), and BLAST (Basic Logical Alignment Search Tool) which is a life sciences similarity search algorithm. Implementing BLAST will enable complex analytical pipelines within BLAST searches as well as allowing to subselect portions of the database using SQL, thereby restricting searches. The Oracle data mining 10gR2 also includes a spreadsheet add-in for predictive analytics, and a PL/SQL API & Java API for developing advanced analytical applications.

Oracle data mining provides a summary of statistical information prior to data mining. The GUI shows histograms and data summaries along with model performance and evaluation viewers. Graphical data helps users simplify activities and helps automate the data mining process.

An example of data mining is found in the use of decision trees. The problem is to find customers likely to buy a new car and to classify the profile of that person. The decision tree method within the data mining of the Oracle 10g R2 system for the automotive industry includes classification, prediction, and customer profiling. The following formula illustrates the process.
IF(Income >50KANDGender=FANDStatus >Single…), THENP(Buy Car=1)
in this example the result is a confidence level = .77 and support = 250.

Xerox data-mining
XeroxThe data mining process at Xerox involved a systematic series of steps that can be repeated as necessary. The process started with defining the problem and acquiring all the knowledge of the domain. Then the process moves to data and focuses on target data sets, data reprocessing, and data reduction. It is the assembling of relevant data sources and business processes and finding useful variables along with summarizing data with SQL. Then the process moves to the data mining task selection and the algorithm selection. This includes identifying clusters that describe behaviors and looking at which variables describe the problem as well as choosing statistical methods, decision trees, Bayesian nets, etc. Next in line is the data mining and the interpretation of results. The search for patterns and the discovering of knowledge occur within the data mining process and the explaining of mined patterns and quantifying of correlations begins. Rules can also be created. And finally, the deployment of knowledge occurs with tools and documentation, reports and proposals for business decisions and implementation, and the quantifying of benefits with rollout and feedback.

The companies that will succeed and flourish in the 21st century are the companies that will understand data mining and how it is utilized. The reward of finding new things that matter can be immeasurable. Corporate and personal financial benefits can be realized through data mining.

Berger, C. (2006). Sr. Dir. Product Management, Life & Health Sciences Industry & Data Mining Technologies Oracle Corporation.
O’Brien, J.A. & Marakas, G.M. (2009). Management Information Systems. McGraw-Hill Irwin. 9th ed.
Thieret, T. (2006). Principal Scientist, Imaging and Systems Technology Center Xerox Innovation Group. Webster, New York.

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International study programs

International study programsInternational study programs are considered to be eye opening experiences that let people from other countries experience new cultures and methods of instruction both in terms of education and interpersonal communication. The need in our world today is to be able to reach beyond our local environment to people across the seas and shed light on the mysteries we perceive deep within ourselves and others. We look across our oceans and say to ourselves, “I wonder what those people are really like over there?” International study programs give us the capability to work with people from other cultures and decide for ourselves what we think without excessive media manipulation. The best experience is first-hand experience. International communication is an extremely important component in the survival of us as people and with it we will be able to tear down the walls of discrimination and mystery and understand that essentially we are all the same. Nurturing the spirit of community with respect for all people of the world will help create peace and harmony on our planet. This is why programs such as the Beijing Connection are an important step forward in this direction. The video in this article is a compilation of images put together showing video students enjoying their experience here in Southern California.

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What companies will succeed in the 21st century?

Information AgeWe exist in the information age and we have been indulged in it quite some time now. We have more than information at our fingertips, we have information overload. Anything we need to know can be served up to us with a simple Google search. The key to extracting information from the internet becomes a task of knowing what the majority population would type into a search engine in order to obtain the information that meets the searchers requirements. Although this is a complex algorithm built by Google, it is very simplistic in the data it returns back to the user. Since we are considered to be in the information overload era the problem becomes one of sifting through all the plethora of information that we are bombarded with by the online content that is served to us by the search engines. This online content can steer us down rat holes where we become more and more saturated with irrelevant information. This is where the companies of tomorrow will succeed. By utilizing the technologies of things like relational databases and fuzzy logic the companies of tomorrow will be able to give the people the information they need quicker and with much higher levels of relevance. Let’s call this competitive advantage and these competitive advantages can be identified in specific strategic information systems. “A strategic information system can be any kind of information system (for example, TPS, MIS, and DSS) that uses information technology to help an organization gain a competitive advantage, reduce a competitive disadvantage, or meet other strategic enterprise objectives” (2009, O’Brien & Marakas, p.44).

Basic strategies

Basic strategies in the business use of information technology include lowering costs, differentiation, innovation, growth promotion, and alliance development. Information technology is used in businesses in many areas which can surpass the basic understanding of the market as perceived by humans. Technology gives us the edge with perception that goes beyond our physical capabilities.

AmazonBusinesses can use information technology to reduce the cost of business processes and the costs associated with customers and suppliers. An example of a case study for lowering costs is Amazon (http://www.amazon.com), which has used information technology to streamline its business in order fulfillment.

Differentiation among products and services can be obtained through the use of information technology and can also diminish the advantage a competitor may have in the market segment while focusing on the company’s vital products toward selected market niches.

Differentiation can be achieved through utilization of marketing directives which are steered by output of numerical mathematical programming models that use the results from the analytical model and calibrate to conform to known estimates of supply and demand elasticities in order to simulate the integration of products into specific market segments.

Information technology is incorporated into new products through innovation and also new products can be developed through the help of information technology. Innovation can also be experienced through improving business processes with information technology. Any company that really wants to be successful should have an Innovation Process built into their corporate structure. Many companies think they do. I hate to be the one to tell you, but most Innovation Process strategies are either bad suggestion scheme products that leave you empty-handed or cheap “idea buckets” that gather ideas willy-nilly from employees, customers, the general public, even your competitors with no way of managing or evaluating them. Hardly effective or innovative.

Fueled by increased interest among organizations to team up with customers and partners, software for supporting open innovation is emerging. With innovation software, innovation workers are knowledge enabled – stimulating creative, breakthrough thinking across the product life-cycle from market planning and early product conception through to detailed engineering, manufacturing execution and after-market support.

Innovation software helps innovation workers overcome the challenge of psychological inertia – the myopic thinking that comes from being overly influenced by historical behavior or trends that prevents us from considering the broadest scope of alternatives. Innovation software also helps communicate market requirements and product design capabilities across disparate communities, understand how to prioritize and leveraging knowledge and existing resources, and accelerates creative problem solving.

Business IdeaJenni (http://www.jenniusa.net) utilizes idea campaigns. An idea campaign is a call for innovation to answer a specific need. You present an innovation challenge and set a reward and send it out. You can define who takes part, by department, location, etc… This allows you to target idea campaigns to specific relevant groups. For instance, you may want to pose a highly technical innovation challenge exclusively to R&D and a sales budget challenge to both accounting and sales by region. You collect ideas, during which others can collaborate and give feedback, building onto ideas they like. In the next phase you, and your team, conduct a formal evaluation to identify the ideas with the greatest innovation potential. At the end of the campaign you are ready to implement that new innovation.

Information technology is used to manage business expansion in all regions and helps diversify and integrate into other products and services. CRM (Customer relationship Management) software systems help keep a sales force in touch with its customers. Programs like Goldmine, ACT, and Salesforce.com are examples of this type of software system.

The creation of virtual organizations and support systems for collaboration and relationship building among customers, suppliers, and others. Companies utilize systems like Microsoft’s share point server. One of the buzz term that surrounded this type of technology was portal software.


The companies that will succeed and flourish in the 21st century are the companies that will understand what users need and will be able to offer them the experience that can be obtained through technology information systems and the use of architecture that will evolve information above the realm of simple searches. It’s not about the information, it’s about how companies braid information along the thought patterns of users that will enhance and compliment their searches and eliminate unnecessary hoards of information and advertising.


O’Brien, J.A. & Marakas, G.M. (2009). Management Information Systems. McGraw-Hill Irwin. 9th ed.

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The benefits of managing information systems in a business environment

Roles of IS in Business

The benefits of managing information systems in a business environment have shown to be a moving target but have also been the catalyst for growth and advancement in the ever-expanding realm of information systems. While there are a seemingly endless number of software applications, there are three fundamental reasons for all business applications of information technology. They are found in the three vital roles that information systems can perform for a business enterprise: 1) support of business processes and operations, 2) support of decision making by employees and managers, and 3) support of strategies for competitive advantage (2009, O’Brien & Marakas, p.8).

A further explanation into the three vital roles that IS performs for businesses starts with the support of business processes and operations. Retail stores is a great example of information systems doing all the jobs necessary to help make the business as efficient as possible. This includes the actual checkout as well as keeping track of inventory for future ordering. It also can include buying preferences among customers as well as tracking customer purchases for promotions or special deals. These systems also keep track of scheduling and paying employees and all the human resources issues such as paid time off and sick leave to name just a couple.

The second vital role that IS performs for businesses is in the area of support for decision making. There are systems that will help employees grade incoming support calls and later tabulate results in order to understand what methods of improvement can be applied to employee training. There is also systems that help teams become more innovative. Innovation software helps innovation workers overcome the challenge of psychological inertia – the myopic thinking that comes from being overly influenced by historical behavior or trends that prevents us from considering the broadest scope of alternatives. Innovation software also helps communicate market requirements and product design capabilities across disparate communities, understand how to prioritize and leveraging knowledge and existing resources, and accelerates creative problem solving.

The third vital role that IS performs for businesses is the support of strategies for competitive advantage. CRM (Customer Relationship Software) is a good example of a system that helps keep track of clients and tailor to their needs. CRM systems help manage and track customer or potential customers. It is a business technology mainly used by sales teams and the people involved in managing sales teams. Areas of involvement include opportunity tracking, lead generation, email integration with the current workflow process, automation of the workflow, collaboration, and reporting. Also systems in the support of project management lend information that helps make decisions on project directions.

ERP (Electronic Resource Planning)
ERP - Electronic Resource Planning“The mid- to late 1990s saw the revolutionary emergence of enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems. This organization-specific form of a strategic information system integrates all facets of a firm, including its planning, manufacturing, sales, resource management, customer relations, inventory control, order tracking, financial management, human resources, and marketing—virtually every business function” (2009, O’Brien & Marakas, p.11). ERP is a system that has the ability to look across a company’s organizational functions and bring together the processes and information that help decision making and provides for higher levels of data sharing and collaboration.

Orange County Digital Arts case study
Orange County Digital ArtsThe researcher is the president of Orange County Digital Arts and has begun using a cloud-based system called Zoho in order to collaborate, share and manage projects that spawn within the organization.

Cloud based computing is a term that refers to applications, services or resources that are made available to users over the internet. Cloud-based computing is used by companies in order to save money on expanding infrastructure and the support of said systems. It also provides an easy route for growth in capacity and enhanced functionality without development and support costs.


The benefits of managing information systems in a business environment have changed over the years mainly because the focus itself has changed. We, as an economy of business, have gone from systems that dealt mainly in data processing and watched these systems forge into management reporting, decision support systems, strategic and end-user support, electronic business and e-commerce, and finally reach a current day plateau of enterprise resource planning and business intelligence.

O’Brien, J.A. & Marakas, G.M. (2009). Management Information Systems. McGraw-Hill Irwin. 9th ed.

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Microsoft Camera Codec Pack (16.4.1734.1104)

The Microsoft Camera Codec Pack enables the viewing of a variety of device-specific file formats.



The Microsoft Camera Codec Pack enables the viewing of a variety of device-specific file formats in Window Live Photo Gallery as well as other software that is based in Windows Imaging Codecs (WIC).
Installing this package will allow supported RAW camera files to be viewable in Windows Explorer.
This package is available in both 32-bit (MicrosoftCodecPack_x86.msi) and 64-bit (MicrosoftCodecPack_amd64.msi) versions.
The Microsoft Camera Codec Pack provides support for the following device formats:
Canon: Digital Rebel XT, Digital Rebel XTi, EOS 10D, EOS 20D, EOS 30D, EOS 40D, EOS 50D Digital, EOS 60D, EOS 300D, EOS 350D, EOS 400D, EOS 450D, EOS 500D, EOS 550D, EOS 600D, EOS 1000D, EOS 5D, EOS 5D Mark II, EOS 5D Mark III, EOS 7D Digital, EOS D30, EOS D60, EOS Digital Rebel, EOS Kiss Digital, EOS Kiss Digital N, EOS Kiss Digital X, EOS Kiss F, EOS Kiss X2, EOS Kiss X3, EOS Kiss X4, EOS Kiss X50, EOS M, EOS Rebel T1i, EOS Rebel T2i, EOS Rebel T3, EOS Rebel T3i, EOS Rebel XS, EOS Rebel XSi, EOS-1D, EOS-1D X, EOS-1D Mark II, EOS-1D Mark II N, EOS-1D Mark III, EOS-1D Mark IV, EOS-1Ds, EOS-1Ds Mark II, EOS-1Ds Mark III, PowerShot G1 X, PowerShot G2, PowerShot G3, PowerShot G5, PowerShot G6, PowerShot G9, PowerShot G10, PowerShot G11, PowerShot G12, PowerShot G15, PowerShot Pro1, PowerShot S90, PowerShot S95, PowerShot S100, PowerShot S110, PowerShot SX1 IS
Casio: EX-FH20
Epson: R-D1
Kodak: EasyShare Z981, EasyShare Z1015 IS
Leica: DIGILUX 3, D-LUX 4, M8, M8.2, M9
Olympus: C-7070 Wide Zoom, C-8080 Wide Zoom, E-1, E-3, E-10, E-20, E-30, E-420, E-450, E-520, E-620, EVOLT E-300, EVOLT E-330, EVOLT E-400, EVOLT E-410, EVOLT E-500, EVOLT E-510, OM-D E-M5, PEN E-P1, PEN E-P2, PEN E-PL1, PEN E-PL2, PEN E-PL3, PEN E-PM1, XZ-1
Nikon: 1 J1, 1 J2, 1 V1, Coolpix P6000, Coolpix P7000, Coolpix P7100, D1H, D2H, D2Hs, D2X, D2Xs, D3, D3s, D3X, D4, D40, D40x, D50, D60, D70, D70s, D80, D90, D100, D200, D300, D300s, D700, D800, D800E, D3000, D3100, D3200, D5000, D5100, D7000
Panasonic: Lumix DMC-FZ150, Lumix DMC-G1, Lumix DMC-G3, Lumix DMC-GF1, Lumix DMC-GF2, Lumix DMC-GF3, Lumix DMC-GH1, Lumix DMC-GH2, Lumix DMC-LX3, Lumix DMC-LX5
Pentax (PEF formats only): *ist D, *ist DL, *ist DS, K10D, K20D, K100D, K100D Super, K110D, K200D, K-5, K-7, K-r, K-x
Samsung: NX10, NX11, NX20, NX1000
Sony: DSLR-A100, DSLR-A200, DSLR-A230, DSLR-A300, DSLR-A330, DSLR-A350, DSLR-A380, DSLR-A500, DSLR-A550, DSLR-A560, DSLR-A580, DSLR-A700, DSLR-A850, DSLR-A900, Alpha NEX-C3, Alpha NEX-3, Alpha NEX-5, Alpha NEX-5N, Alpha NEX-7, Alpha SLT-A33, Alpha SLT-A35, Alpha SLT-A55/A55V, Alpha SLT-A57, Alpha SLT-A65V, Alpha SLT-77V, Cyber-shot DSC-R1

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Beijing Connection IV

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E-business initiatives

E-business is becoming more and more of a pivotal cornerstone in the global marketplace. Countries have stepped up to the demands of internet infrastructure and have met the challenges of an ever increasing population of internet users and shoppers.

e-businessAfter 2006, major advances have taken place in e-business. The main e-business initiatives are ICT user skills, ICT practitioner skills and e-business skills. These skills e have made the e-business operations of the organizations very efficient (Technology for Innovation / Information & Communication Technology Industries and E-Business, 2008). The ICT practitioner skills have advanced the designing, researching, integrating, installing and strategic planning in business. The ICT user skills provides tools of common software and specific business supporting tools for the improvement of e-business functioning. The E-business skills have provided several efficient and effective measures to improve the performance of e-business.

Will we one day see the electronic marketplace surpass the brick-and-mortar locations in revenue and numbers? I think this may not be an unlikely scenario.


Technology for Innovation / Information & Communication Technology Industries and E-Business, (2008). Retrieved February 14, 2009, from http://ec.europa.eu/enterprise/ict/policy/ict-skills.htm

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Self managed teams in the information age

The development of high-functioning self-managed teams is a multi-step process. As with any change endeavor, this development doesn’t happen overnight. The speed with which teams come together is driven by a number of social and political factors that influence the teams’ outcomes.

Self Managed TeamsBack in 1965 Bruce Tuckman is to thank for the phases of team development we know as “forming, storming, norming, and performing”. A fifth stage was added later named “adjourning”.

Great leaders know that they need high-functioning teams in order to achieve their vision. It takes patience and professionalism to be a member of a true high-functioning team. Effective teams can speed up the process of most tasks if properly managed through the use of the aforementioned 5 stages.

All of these stages have to looked at abstractly. This is not quantitative statistics and the results are never the same. It is nearly impossible to create an identical team. Even the same team will react differently when confronted with different tasks.

This being said, the leader’s role should be that of delegation and direction steering. Identify what needs to be done in order to get to the performing stage and schedule regular reviews of where the team is and adjust the leadership approach to accommodate the stage the team is in.

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Michael Jackson Thriller Animated Music Video

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Beijing Connection III

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